How to Troll Competitive Programmers
When doing lazy propagation in segment tree, people usually have a function to propagate values inside a node.
When I learnt lazy propagation, I did not use reference code and just coded it myself. I apparently did not know how to spell, so I named my function propo
. This is how I managed to troll an many Singaporean CPers into spelling propagation as propogation. Even know as I am typing this blog, I still default to writing propogate… I will try to spell it correctly in this blog.
The earliest record I have of the propo
thing being public is in the dec course 2020 lecture notes on DS III. If my memory serves me right, it was Rui Yuan and I who were preparing this lecture and I was the one who wrote the code with propogate
as function names and as comments. I also distinctly remember coding lazy propagation during an online lecture. I definitely spelled propagation wrongly there as well.
Now, 4 years later. I realized that many people were actually spelling propagation wrongly as well. How many people exactly?
To test this, I decided to check people’s submission on Segment Tree 2 on codebreaker. This is what the top 20 people on codebreaker named their propagate function. Note that I only checked their first AC submission.
Username | Name of Function | Year | O/A |
PlayVoltz | propagate | 2023 | A |
Pan | propogate | 2023 | O |
TheRaptor | propogate | 2021 | O |
penguin133 | propo | 2020 | O |
LCJLY | lazy_propagate | 2022 | A |
ryangohca | value | 2020 | |
syy | value | 2020 | |
AlphanumericUsername | lazy_propagate | 2022 | A |
bribritt | notlazy | 2022 | |
errorgorn | propo | 2020 | O |
shoryu386 | lazy_propagate | 2022 | A |
chenweilian | - | 2022 | |
blackscreen1 | propogate | 2021 | O |
siewjh | propo | 2021 | O |
hmm | value | 2021 | |
mofumofu | prop | 2021 | |
Sans12345 | forceProp | 2022 | |
dsyz | propagate | 2020 | A |
kxd | subnode | 2022 |
Note that chenweilian does not have a propagation function because he used a fenwick tree.
But in the top 20, we have more people spelling propagate wrongly! What about the rest of the users?
To do this, I wrote a script to scrape codebreaker (please ask the judge devs for permission before doing this).
headers = {'Cookie' : LOGIN_SESSION}
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
import json
import time
def getSubIds():
URL = r""
for x in range(1,81):
page = requests.get(URL+str(x))
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, "html.parser")
table = pd.read_html(str(soup.find(id="myTable")))[0]
table = table[table["Score"]==100]
res += table["ID"].tolist()
return res
def getSubInfo(subId):
URL = r""
page = requests.get(URL+str(subId), headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, "html.parser")
table = pd.read_html(str(soup.find_all("table")[0]))[0]
code = soup.find_all("textarea")[0].get_text()
res = {
"username" :[1,1],
"id" : subId,
"date" :[2,1],
"code" : code
return res
subs = getSubIds()
print("total ",len(subs))
subs = [getSubInfo(x) for x in subs]
with open('data.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
json.dump(subs, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
You can find the json file here.
Please note that the codes that are written by me (errorgorn) are broken. I don’t know why. I think it is because there are Chinese characters in my code (I used to put 雪花飘飘 in my code header as a joke).
Let’s do some analysis on this data.
There are 430 total AC submissions. 109 of them contain the substring “propo” and 145 of them contain the substring “propa”.
Note that people might have submitted multiple AC codes. Especially, so when testing codes of other people. So it is a good to only use statistics when filtering by the first AC of each user.
When ignoring counts of repeated ACs, 211 distinct users with ACs in total and have 58 and 72 users using “propo” and “propa” respectively. Wow, there is actually a substantial number of people spelling propagte wrongly….
If we filter this by the year of the submission, we can actually observe the number of people using propo decreasing. So I guess someone finally fixed the spelling along the way.
Year | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
propo | 24 | 15 | 12 | 4 | 3 |
propa | 8 | 7 | 22 | 22 | 13 |
$\frac{\text{propo}}{\text{propo}+\text{propa}}$ | 0.75 | 0.68 | 0.35 | 0.15 | 0.19 |
Strangely, there are 4 submissions with the substring “propo” and “propa” inside their code. They have IDs 563732, 343819, 343816, 187268. It turns out they directly copied the lazy propagation code from that lecture notes, but they changed the function name propogate
to propagate
, but not instances of propagate
in the comments. Perhaps the spelling was fixed in lectures of later years?
I suppose it would be a good idea to do some sort of comparison with this code to see who copied it to get AC. To do this, we will define the similarity of a code $A$ to our “model code” $B$ as $\frac{\text{LCS}(A,B)}{\text{len}(B)}$ where $\text{LCS}$ is the longest common subsequence. We will strip all whitespace.
We can try setting $B$ as the segment tree code with comments:
Or without comments:
We will graph out the similarity to the code with and without comments. The points are colored:
- Green if they contain “propo” and “propa”
- Red if they contain “propo”
- Blue if they contain “propa”
- Black otherwise
We obtain this plot:
Also this is a gif when we add these points by time.
Notice that most of the red dots occur before 2022 and they do not even substantially match the code given in the lecture notes. I think this highly suggests that I actually made people type out propo
This is the script I used for my analysis. Shoutout to ChatGPT.
import json
import pylcs
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
with open('data.json', 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
data=data[::-1] #dates are reverse order in the json file
for dat in data:
if (dat["username"] in names):
names.add(dat["username"]) #uncomment this line if you do not want distinct names
X.append(pylcs.lcs_sequence_length(A, B0)/len(B0))
Y.append(pylcs.lcs_sequence_length(A, B1)/len(B1))
propo = "propo" in A
propa = "propa" in A
if (propo and propa):
if (propo):
if (propa):
if (propo and propa):
elif (propo):
elif (propa):
print([num[0][i]/(num[0][i]+num[1][i]) for i in range(5)])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,10))
ax.set_xlabel('With Comments')
ax.set_ylabel('Without Comments')
line_y = [0,1]
line_x = [0, len(B1)/len(B0)]
plt.plot(line_x, line_y, color='red', linestyle='-')
scat = ax.scatter([], [], s=100)
title = ax.set_title('Scatter Plot Animation')
def update(frame):
current_x = X[:frame + 1]
current_y = Y[:frame + 1]
current_colors = C[:frame + 1]
scat.set_offsets(np.column_stack((current_x, current_y)))
return scat, title
ani = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=len(X), interval=100, blit=True)"scatter_plot_animation.gif", writer='pillow')
update(len(X) - 1)
fig.savefig("scatter_plot.png", dpi=100)